
Section of resume, How to Assemble the sections in resume?


A well-defined and impressive resume that includes the appropriate sections and information can get a potential employer’s attention and help the applicant to get a job interview. While every applicant has a different resume, here are some sections the applicant should always include and some that are additional or supplementary.

How the applicant assembles the resume? It depends on the job nature the applicant applying for. In this article, we list Customary and additional sections of a resume and how to write them properly.

Customary Sections of a Resume.

Almost every resume has five customary sections that give the hiring managers the basic information they need to determine whether the applicant qualify for a job:

  1. Name
  2. Contact
  3. Summary
  4. Education
  5. Work experience
  6. Skills


The applicant should always use his\her academic first and last name. The name mentioned on the top of the resume should be the same as the name on academic certificates.


The applicant should add the active phone number and email address. The employer can easily find out how to contact you. The applicant should also include professional platform usernames, social media profile links, and blogs. For example, a web developer or actor might provide a link to their online portfolio.

The applicants should provide the location including the current city and state, full address is not necessary if the applicant has already mentioned the contact number and email address. Some companies or agencies and job sites use applicant tracking software that filters results based on location.


This section is showing the applicant’s enthusiasm, objectives, and aims. The applicant should write it correctly but write it concisely. If the applicant is a recent graduate or entry-level employee, use a resume objective to explain what you want to do with the career.


Academic educational lists must be in chronological order (last thing first) If the applicant has multiple degrees, list those after the highest one. Always mention the degree starting and ending date with score and school name.

Work Experience

This section is very important in every type of resume. It should list the names and locations of the applicant’s former employers, job title, period of job, and responsibilities during the job. The applicants should list jobs in reverse order, starting with the most recent like educational information (chronological order).  Add a couple of bullet points that highlight the main responsibilities and achievements. Focus on the ones that require similar skills as the job requirement. If the applicant is applying for an entry-level job and has not acquired much work experience, use this section to list experiences such as part-time work, internships, volunteer work, summer jobs, and extracurricular activities that demonstrate valuable skills.


The skills section should include ten abilities of the applicant. That is necessary for the job. For example, if the job description requires leadership skills, add it to this section. Other skills might list include foreign languages, computer programs, research, and problem-solving. Start with the strongest skill. Some applicants split their skills section into multiple parts, such as computer, technical, management, personal, and other skills. The applicant should know which skill is demanded or required for the job. So, choose with a very specific skill, such as computer engineering.

Supplementary Sections of a Resume:

Resumes can contain many other optional sections depending on the type of job for which the applicant is applying. The choice depends on what the applicant wants to highlight or what is most applicable to that position, including:

  • Achievements: Listing professional achievements shows the skills and experience to get results.

  • Volunteer work: Also called community engagement or involvement, this section can be useful if the applicant is applying with a nonprofit or for a company that encourages social responsibility.
  • Certifications and Awards: List the certificates with starting and ending dates or mention the year. Focus on this section if it is required for the job or help to get the opportunity. Stand out by listing awards if they are relevant to the job.
  • Hobbies and interests: The applicant should list his\her hobbies if they fit with the company’s culture. For instance, for a job at a company that makes running shoes, add the physical activities in this section. This section is particularly useful for recent graduates or entry-level applicants who might have less work experience.
  • Languages: If the applicant speaks one or more languages that might benefit the hiring company, include it as section on the resume.
  • Recommendations: The applicant must list a few quotes from clients, customers, or colleagues that show reputation and credibility. That might be more important for sales- or customer service, marketing-related positions.

Order for Resume Sections:

Organize the sections of resume depending on what the applicant wants to emphasize most. When reading a resume, employers often look at the top third before deciding whether to keep reading, so place the most impressive achievements and strongest qualifications first.


  • Typical
  • Entry-level applicants
  • Experienced professionals
  • Career change


This customary resume section order is used in almost every type of resume format such that chronological, functional, infographics, and online. Most industries and positions accept this order of section:

  • Contact
  • Summary
  • Experience
  • Certifications
  • Education
  • Skills
  • Supplementary Sections

New Graduates or Entry-level Applicants:

If the applicant applying to the workforce for the first time, the academic record is going to be stronger than the experience, so should be placed first. Include any leadership roles, such as in sports teams or student associations, under extracurricular activities.

  • Contact information
  • Objective
  • Education
  • Extracurriculars
  • Skills
  • Hobbies and interest

Experienced & Professionals:

If the applicant is a mid- or senior-level employee, emphasize the experience and achievements over other sections like education and skills. The supplementary section that might add includes publications and speaking engagements at conferences.

  • Contact information
  • Summary
  • Work experience and achievement
  • Associations and certification
  • Education
  • Skills
  • Other

Career Change:

 If the applicant wants to change his\her career by entering a new industry, focus on the most impressive past experiences and skills that are relevant to the job rather than listing all positions of past experiences, which might have no link to the job position, the applicant applying for.

  • Contact
  • Resume objective
  • Work experience
  • Education
  • Skills
  • Others

Best Skills, Which Must Include a Resume..

  1. Always include name and contact information, education, relevant professional experience, and skills.
  2. Update the resume for each job application by reviewing the job description for keywords and requirements.
  3. Make the resume clean, professional, and easy to read—employers have a very short time to review each application.
  4. Always write about the communication skill, this skill is most demanded in every industry. The applicant should polish his\her communication skills.


In conclusion, assembling the sections of your resume is critical to creating an effective job application document. By following these tips and putting in the effort to tailor your resume to the job you are applying for, you can create a strong and impactful document that helps you stand out among other applicants.

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